Summary box
Companies Considered
This is the number of companies that have been analysed. This is the unique number of companies.
Total Turnover
This is the total turnover for 2022.
Companies do not always declare turnover every year. We estimate turnover where we can, but there are instances where we cannot reliably estimate turnover. We provide detail on the number of companies used to calculate total turnover figure.
Total Employees
This is the total level of employment for 2022.
Companies do not always declare employment every year. We estimate employment where we can, but there are instances where we cannot reliably estimate employment. We provide detail on the number of companies used to calculate the total turnover figure.
Total Investment Funding
This is the total investment that has been received for the list of companies. This includes funding from many different rounds, ranging from, for example, Seed to Unicorn. For the full list of round types, get in touch with
This refers to the total funding across the companies lifespan and not to the total in a particular year. Investment funding by year is available on the “Total Investment Funding by Year” chart.
This data is sourced from Dealroom.
Total Innovate UK Grant Funding
This is the total Innovate UK grant funding received by companies in the list.
Estimated Growth Per Year
This refers to the estimated growth in estimated employee count.
This is a long term measure of growth. To calculate shorter term, or year on year growth, you will need to look at the Employees by Year chart.
Applying location filters
When a location filter is applied at local authority level, additional fields are included in the analyse box at the top of the analyse page. These additional fields are:
Estimated Total Employees Attributed To location(s) The estimated number of employees in a set of Local Authorities is the sum of Employees By LA (or Employees By NUTS1) for the local authorities (NUTS1 regions) in that set.
Estimated Total Turnover Attributed to location(s) The estimated number of Turnover in a set of Local Authorities is the sum of Turnover By LA (or Turnover By NUTS1) for the local authorities (NUTS1 regions) in that set.